Getting answers

A 1:1 mentoring and support service for social enterprise built around you

Everyone at some point loses their way or gets tangled up in frustration when running a social enterprise. Videos are great for general advice, but there is no substitute for a direct dialogue where the advice is tailored to your needs. The 1:1 mentoring service is available for anyone who wants to quickly cut through the confusion, become more confident or just needs a sounding board or critical friend.

Helping your vision become a reality.

Pre - Start

You've got the idea and the concept but not sure what to do next. You need help to refine your ideas, recognise opportunities, and plan ahead to give you the best possible chance of success.

Start up

What legal form is right for you? How to get registered? What are your legal responsibilities?

Help to navigate the complexities of start up. Ideal for anyone confused by the process, jargon and terminology of registering your social enterprise.


Are you confident you have the right  processes and systems in place to ensure you are fulfilling your legal obligations. Are you creating a defensible position if you come under criticism? I can help you review and improve overall governance which includes understanding the role of policies, why they are important and how to develop/use them effectively.

Grants and Funding

The attraction of grant funding is great, but very soon people discover it isn't so easy to get and takes practice. I can help you develop the skills and insights to improve your chances and lead to funding success.   

Strategic Planning and theory of change

Can you confidently and adequately explain why your social enterprise is needed and how you create impact? If not then perhaps it's time to start creating a strategic plan to keep your growth and development on course. Its also a useful tool for securing funding and support from stakeholders.

Business Planning

Help to develop your strategic plans and ideas into a cohesive business plan that funders and potential investors will need to understand how their funds will be used.  Making sure you have ownership over you business plan will ensure it remains a living document that grows with you.

Financial Management 

Budgets, financial forecasts and more. To be clear, this is not  accountancy support or financial advice. This is about helping you understand the finances of your business and become more confident about financial management which is essential for business.

General Troubleshooting

Frequently the issue someone comes to me with are actually a symptom of something else. Usually there are underlying issues and I can help you explore what these might be so you can take more effective action.  

The process

If you are interested in 1:1 mentoring support, this is what you can expect:


Following your initial enquiry you will receive some initial questions from me via email. These are to help me better understand you and the organisation you run or want to set up. Once I receive your responses, we will move to step 2. 

CHemistry Call

A short 15-30 minute call (telephone or video as you prefer) to assess your needs and agree on the kind of support you want. This is a no obligation and free consultation. From here you will decide whether to proceed to mentoring support or not.

Support and Mentoring

We will begin actively working together to address the main issues you identified during the chemistry call. Progress will depend upon how readily you are able to action the advice and guidance provided. Charges of £25 per hour of contact time will apply from this point. The duration and content of support will be agreed during the chemistry call in step 2 so you will always know what the maximum cost will be. 

What to expect from the mentoring arrangement?

Style and approach:

The mentoring service is equivalent to coaching. My aim is to help you develop critical understanding and knowledge on how to address the issues you are facing, in addition to helping you develop and improve your social enterprise. Things are seldom clear cut when it comes to social enterprise; the choices you face depend on your own priorities, stakeholder expectations and the decisions you've made about other aspects of the business. Therefore my intent is to help you understand the options available to you based on certain conditions and empower you to make informed decisions. As you begin to understand the underlying reasons for the choices you are making, you will gain more confidence and clarity regarding your role and mission in addressing today's social and/or environmental challenges. 

The focus of support will remain on the subject agreed during the Chemistry call. Should other support needs be identified during the process there will be an opportunity to extend the support agreement if you choose to.

Submitting a support request

You can submit a request for support through the contact me form. Please explain the issue you want help with and I will reply via email with some questions for clarification. We can then agree a suitable time for a chemistry call.
I look forward to hearing from you.