The fundamentals of social enterprise 

The place to find solutions for your
social enterprise confusions

After 20 years working within and in support of social enterprises and social businesses in the UK, I felt it was time to start putting out some no nonsense help and advice.

I'm in the process of creating a video library to provide bite size information and guidance. This is under active development so feel free to send me your questions or visit me on one of the social channels.

My story - carl gough

Stories drive change

In 2004 I was introduced to the world of social enterprise and it was a baptism of fire. I had been appointed as project manager of a newly established social business and it was chaotic in the extreme! There was so much to learn, conflicting priorities and contradictory points of view.

Since then, I've been actively involved in establishing and supporting a diverse range of social businesses, working in private, public and third sectors, seeing the same patterns play out again and again. Trust me when I say nobody finds it easy when starting out.

Today I juggle a role as a social business advisor with my own business as a performance storyteller. (You'd be amazed how much these two worlds overlap!)

This site is a perfect blend of my knowledge in social enterprise development with my storytelling skills, to provide a 'no nonsense' source of information for anyone trying to understand the basics of setting up and/or running a social enterprise, not for profit, community business, social business ( it what you will).

If you can't find what you're looking for then  drop me a message here or come find me on socials



I'm in the process of developing the video content for this site so why not SUBSCRIBE to my socials and get notified the moment the material begins to hit!

Feel free to suggest subjects for me to cover in my next video too!

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